Friday 7 August 2020

How Do Timeshares Work? How's Their Value Compared To A Travel Club?


In only over eight years, we took over 70 holidays & trips together, meaning that we got a small tourist and vacation experience.

My lovely friend, Nancy, and I enjoy traveling. A lot!!

Why don't you sure?

Maybe it was the thought of spending many hours on holiday to spend a lot of money, maybe it was a lot of traffic, or we didn't want to keep driving all the time to one place, etc.

No matter what, we didn't go to a presentation. A free dinner or tickets for us weren't good enough.

And we chatted with some of them wanting to see why they ordered, whether they enjoyed it, if they hated it, and so on.

For more read visit:

Which has been our experience?

We are still confused about the whole thing, to be honest.

Don't get me wrong at this point, if you are the owner yourself we won't tap you if we didn't think that we would have found a much better choice.

We know that many consumers spend on impulses, not rationality, as a lot of transactions.

Bizarre commercial practices!

It wasn't until three weeks after we first learned that we joined the worldwide Travel Community earlier this season.

Then you have to pay more points if you like more hours. Then in case, you can't go on a trip because of disease, you'll always pay maintenance costs, etc. (which the double or even triple or even more the listed # s depending on what you want.

You 're never going to have any cost of maintenance! If you can't travel for any season or again, don't spend a lot, you won't spend a second time. There's no agreement in recurring costs.



Tuesday 28 April 2020

A Short Note About the Variety of Travelers

Traveling is a fruitful entertainment. It gives utmost pleasure to travelers and makes them enjoy their lifetime by going to different destinations. Moving is the necessary activity that got closer to the life of a human. Humans began traveling even before the ancient civilization grows up. Hence, it is the activity mingled with human nature. So traveling is not the newly discovered entertainment. Generally, travelers have been categorized concerning their needs, shapes, and gender. These are the different varieties according to the identity and purpose of travelers.
Women Travelers - You can understand the meaning and the type of travelers from the title itself. It refers to a single female traveler or a group of females traveling together.
LGBT Travelers - LGBT is the abbreviation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenders. Travelers who belong to that category are known as LGBT travelers.
Hajj pilgrims - Hajj Pilgrims are a variety of travelers who travels from a country to Hajj, the largest annual pilgrimage in the world. They are a kind of spiritual travelers. Only the people who belong to the Muslim religion would travel to Hajj.
Visiting friends and family abroad - These types of travelers start their travel to other countries to visit their friends and family.
Traveling abroad for medical treatment -People who are going abroad for the particular medical treatments would come under this category.
Traveling football fans - People who go to other countries to enjoy the football tournament comes under this kind.
Cruise ship passengers - People who travel through cruising are called as Cruise ship passengers. It is one of the safest modes of travel.
Antarctica visitors - Antarctica is a unique travel destination and a highly protected place on earth. Those who are traveling to Antarctica is called Antarctica visitors.
Winter Olympic & Paralympic Games - The sports lovers who are all traveling to enjoy the winter Olympic and Paralympic Games are coming under this category of travelers.

How Do Timeshares Work? How's Their Value Compared To A Travel Club?

  In only over eight years, we took over 70 holidays & trips together, meaning that we got a small tourist and vacation experience. ...